Thursday 11 December 2014

The Hamilton Zoo

 Rhegan The Hamilton Zoo 9/12/14
It was a sunny Wednesday. Hamilton Zoo was waiting for us. Mrs Thomson said, "You guys can go in if you want," so my group went in after Mrs G and her group.
First, we went to see the owls. At first, I could not see the owl because it was behind the pole in the brown wooden house.
We moved forward on the rocky path to the next animal - the tuatara. There were no tuatara in the cage so we went to the cafe and, on a screen, we could see the baby tigers.
It was a bit later but then we went to the classroom. We got time to pat the crocodile and look at other thing.
After that, we came back to school.   

Wednesday 10 December 2014

The Zoo

It was a Sunny Saturday afternoon. JP and Sharna were at the Tuatara Northwest Zoo. 
Sharna and JP were looking at the chimpanzee when the zoo keeper came in to feed it.The zookeeper dropped her keys. She fed the chimpanzee, then she tried to go out the door but, as she approached it, she saw that Sharna had the keys.
She said, “Can you please open the door?”
As Sharna opened the door, the zoo keeper got out, but Sharna got in and she patted the chimpanzee. She smiled back to her Mum. 
She got out and the zoo keeper closed the door and Sharna and JP went to look at other animals.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Touch In Huntly 2014

"Mrs Thomson, we won! We won!" I got to school screaming because we had won the touch tournament between all the Huntly schools and all the Ngaruawahia schools.
Yesterday was a sunny Thursday afternoon. We were at the touch field in Huntly. We were on Field One playing against Huntly West.
We started with the ball because our captain won  the game, Paper Scissors Rock. Our captain was Logan because, at the time, we did not have a captain so we just chose Logan, then we started. Taj was holding the ball. He ran straight to the goal but he got touched by his evil opponent. He rolled the ball to Logan and Logan passed it to Hunter and Hunter ran to the try line.Try! Yay! Hunter got a try.
Back to the middle line, Huntly West had the ball because we got a try. They lost the ball straight away. It was a knock on so we got it back. Logan ran and scored. We were so excited.
At the end of the game, the score was 3-2. We won!
After that, we had prize giving.  Huntly West came second and that was when the team knew we had won. Yay.We won the trophy. It said Waikato District  Year 3+4 Touch Champions.

Thursday 20 November 2014

My cousin's birthday

It was A sunny Saturday afternoon.I was standing with Jahnyva and Tyarne next To the rushing water slide.As I went down I was felling like cat women. Deft the ice  with my bear.I was the caption  living my Bruckner be hind on the ship. splash splash up against the dark black ta-nil "I'm stick".No here I go again as I got down.I saw my baby cousin she is so cute.I call her kiwi this time  I went with some cousin.As we all went down the ice cold water.It was like there was a black hole and we were heading straight to it but it was just the darkness of the tunnel.  

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Go Noah

Hay have you hared about the Noah's ark preordain wail it all started weeks ago we had to practise choreography it took a while but we got it done in time for our good production I had so menu feelings I was sad happy and nerves.I was a mangy.                                                                                    

Wednesday 5 November 2014

A Booming City

On Wednesday night we went to the Hamilton ill to see all the fireworks in the city.
It was A booming surprise because it was like A multicolored 3D Moive.There were all different types of fireworks small big humanism large tiny.I think the biggest one was coming from cartwheel  there were about 150 fireworks going at once.
I had A great experience go I would really like to go again.

Sunday 15 June 2014

World of Maths

This morning, Room 1, 2, 3 and 4 did the World of Maths. I did 3 activities.The 3rd one I did was How Tall.
The 2nd  one was Stairs and the 3rd one was Who Gets Milk.
For the first one, the answer was purple, green 8 and 1. The 2nd one was 1 3 6 10 16…..2 4 6 8 and, finally, the 3rd one was brown…..Ford and Clark.
I was super fun. I discovered maths is cool.

This morning, Room 1, 2, 3 and 4 did the World of Maths. I did 3 activities.The 3rd one I did was How Tall.
The 2nd  one was Stairs and the 3rd one was Who Gets Milk.
For the first one, the answer was purple, green 8 and 1. The 2nd one was 1 3 6 10 16…..2 4 6 8 and, finally, the 3rd one was brown…..Ford and Clark.
I was super fun. I discovered maths is cool.

Thursday 5 June 2014

El Grego

My favourite trick was when El Grego pulled a white bird out of a pot.
I was so amazed and Montana went up on the stage.
“Would you like to help me?” he said.
She said “Yes please,” then she had to choose a  kind word.
Montana picked a number between 1 and 1000.The number she chose was 33.
El Grego said she had to pick a friend. Her choice was Quinn.
El Grego said “Thank you for helping me.”
He wrote it on a whiteboard and then he pulled out of an envelope the exact same things.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Skye and Storm

On the last day of school tow kids a boy and a girl came home from school to a big box.With puppies in it whene they opend it they were so surpised and happy and so overwhelmed  excitment.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Anti Bullying Poem

You call me names.
You poke the finger.
You punch and kick me.
You go behind my back.
You are my friend but you say mean things about me.
You say I am stupid.
Oh, why do you hurt my feelings?
Oh, why oh why?

Thursday 15 May 2014


At Easter, I woke up and my mum said Happy Easter. She  gave me some Easter Egg hints it was like an Easter hunt. I ran across the wet lawn to find the Easter Eggs.
I had an Easter note. In my Easter bag, I had found milky yolky chocolate Easter  Eggs, normal Easter Eggs,  tiny Easter  Eggs, and a big piggy bank. I found a couple  outside and inside. The last Easter Egg was in my Hannah Montana room. It was a big Easter Bunny. I was smiling because I loved it so much. I grabbed my chocolate Easter Egg.

Friday 18 April 2014

Holy Thursday Liturgy

Holy Thursday Liturgy

It was now the time of Passover. Jesus’ followers came to Him and said, “We will go and prepare everything for the Passover Feast. Where do you want to eat the feast?” Jesus answered, “Go into the city. A man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him. He will go into a house. Tell the owner of the house, “The teacher wants you to prepare the room for the Passover meal.” So the followers left and went into the city and prepared the Passover Feast.
In the evening, Jesus went to that house with the twelve. While they were eating, Jesus took the bread and gave God thanks and praise. He broke the bread, gave it to his disciples, and said: “Take this, all of you, and eat it; this is my body which will be given up for you.”

When supper was ended, he took the cup. Again he gave God thanks and praise, gave the cup to his disciples, and said: “Take this, all of you, and drink from it; this is the cup of my blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven. Do this in memory of me.”

After some time, Jesus got up from the table and went to a different part of the room.  He put a large towel around him, making himself look like a servant.  After that, he poured water into a large bowl and began to wash the disciples' feet.  He then dried them with the towel that was wrapped around Him.

When Jesus had finished washing all of the disciples’ feet, he returned to the table.  "Do you understand what I have done for you?"  Jesus asked them.
Jesus is like a King - but even greater than a king, He's the King of Kings!  By washing the disciples’ feet, He was doing something that only a servant would do.
This is an example of how you should treat others.  You don't have to actually wash other people's feet, but do kind things to others and act like a servant for Jesus.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Hot Air Balloon

Today we saw a hot air balloon at our school. It was humungous. It was yellow, red, pink and orange.
The whole school lined up to have a turn going up in the hot air balloon. Some people from Waipa School came then it was my crew’s turn in the hot air balloon.  
We went up very high and I said, “See you in the future.” I heard birds singing. People down on the ground were shouting. We were smiling because we were having fun.
We came down softly. We didn’t want to, but other people wanted to have a turn.

It was fun going up in the hot air balloon because it was my first time.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Live Simply Day

Today is Live Simply Day. We live a Live Simply Day so that we can stand in solidarity with the poor people in our world.
To live simply means to not eat chocolate and to have no money and no electronics, and to not be able to afford things that we do not need.

Saturday 15 March 2014

My Shell

I think my shell was found on a soft beach with yellow sand and salty water and a nice mango tree and a coconut tree with lovely milk. I think it had a journey from the South Island to Fiji.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Ash Wednesday

Symbols of the Holy Spirit

Other symbols of the Holy Spirit are fire and the dove.
You can see other symbols, drawn by our class, on our class blog at


What I found out: There is a flower called a honey suckle. In the inside of it there is pollen, The bees collect the pollen and make honey, but the beekeeper has to put the pollen in the comb. Bees make the honey.

We found that loads of bees are dying, and, if they die, then we will have no fruit or vegetables, like strawberries, oranges, apples and kiwifruit. Also vegetables like cucumber, tomatoes and also honey.
We are losing 6,000 bees a day and all of our good bees are dying in New Zealand because the vicious voroa mite is killing them.
I discovered that the littlest beekeeper is six years old.

Swimming Sports

Yesterday, our school had our swimming sports at the Ngaruawahia Town Pools.
The first race we did was freestyle. The Year 4, 5 and 6 children lined up under the green shade. Mr K said 8 year old girls and boys go and line up on the wall. I had butterflies but at the same time I was excited then I hopped in the pool. It was freezing.  Some people dived in. I  hit my arms up and down and the water was splashing behind me. I kicked my legs as fast as I could. I touched the wall 2nd.


We had a BBQ. We had pavlova and chocolate strawberries and candy.
It was delicious and my favourites were the brandy snaps. For dinner, we had steak and sausages. It was delicious then we went inside.
We went to watch TV. My cousins and I listened to songs and then we went on the computer to watch the Ellen show.
Later on, we decorated the Christmas tree with lights and decorations.
My cousins and I practised our song and danced all night.

Friday 21 February 2014


Rhegan Front Crawl from Pam Thomson on Vimeo.
If you want to see what else we did, visit our class blog at